

In the world of quantum physics there are tiny particles that have been discovered that appear to be able to occupy two spaces at the same time. To be able to be in two places at once could be an incredible gift; by cloning yourself you could accomplish twice as much. You could earn twice the salary, or have one of your selves play while the other worked, or double your chances to win the lottery.

The fact of the matter is, we cannot occupy two spaces at once. It is a physical impossibility...it is also a spiritual one as well.

Thinking about myself about 20 years ago, I thought I could have one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God...straddling two realities. I found myself running myself ragged; attending church and even teaching classes from time to time, while later that day having selfish and sinful thoughts about what I could do next to fulfill the “lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16).

The discomfort I experienced was horrible, to say the least. There have been times when who I am (outside of Christ) has cried out from the grave to try and lure me back to that life. There have been times when I again briefly tried to make it “work”...to have one foot in the world and one in the Kingdom of God but then I started to feel that anxiousness, that uneasiness again.

The reason for it is this: Trying to occupy both realities, you find that you fit into neither. There is enough of one in you to disturb the part that has experienced the other. Anger ensues as does resentment and frustration and then comes the running. The running is the worst part - to try and keep yourself so busy that you think you can get away from deciding where you need to be. You immerse yourself in getting more stuff or doing more activities or burying yourself in relationships, events or even religion.

The reality is, that anything other than complete, full-tilt boogie surrender to Jesus you will soon find yourself exhausted and very unhappy. Nothing will ease the gnawing; nothing will erase the feeling that your missing something, like when you forget to get something at the grocery that you really needed, but can’t remember what...only much more intense and definitely more important. I experienced the anger, resentment and frustration...but thank God, when I ran, I ran to Him.

Please know that if you have this discomfort, this gnawing uneasiness, there is a cure. Get that one foot out of the quicksand that is the world and on the solid ground that is the Kingdom of God.

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