
A Letter from a Friend

Dear Friend,
It’s been a while since we last spoke and I just thought I’d drop you a line or two to let you know I’ve been thinking about you.

I know that you’ve been having a hard time lately...with pretty much everything. From the job loss of last year and the horrible time you had with the job you found that you absolutely hated - which could have been much worse in that you could’ve not found a job at all.

I also know of the spiritual struggles you’ve been dealing with; not sure where God is in all of the wrestling and agonizing over finances, your oldest child rebelling and letting go of the spiritual values you’ve tried so hard to instill within her and also you just wanting to serve God in a very real way. I understand...as the saying goes, been there - done that.

I just want you to know that I love you and am here for you. I may not come through in the ways you think you need me to come through, but I am here to listen to your heart; to give you long distance hugs to sustain you. One of the last times we spoke you even said that you could feel my arms around you, which made me feel good!

Through these times it’s easy for people to give pat answers and platitudes...some people even quote me to try and bring comfort, but many times they have misused my words and end up making me look careless, even cold-hearted. I assure you, they don’t know me like they think they do or else they would never say to you (or anyone else) the things they have said...mostly out of context.

You know, I long for the day when all of the troubles you’ve experienced will be even less than a distant memory. You’ll be rich beyond your wildest imagination, live in a home that requires no maintenance, spend time with loved ones and never have to say goodbye. You’ll make friends with people that you’ve only heard of, and get to spend time with me in a way that we never could before.

But for now, we’ll have to be content with our conversations and our mutual acquaintances. I enjoy hearing from our friends about you, and from you about them. I really feel very close to you all. My heart breaks when you tell me of something that breaks your heart...it really does. Because of how much I love you, I can hardly wait for my dad to say, “Go get him!” I know it will be soon...it has to be.

Your friend forever,

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