
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

by Donald Miller

After Miller's first 4 books, there was a lull in his writing, in that, he didn't appear to be doing any. Having been deeply moved,

as well as entertained by them, I have been looking forward to this one for sometime. Don did not disappoint.

AMMIATY is a result of that silent period, in fact, it details what was going on during that period of time.

The first third of the book seems a bit slow compared to the rest, but it is the calm before the storm of his life that becomes a

flurry of activity and searching out what it really means to live life as a "story". As with his books, Blue Like Jazz and Searching For God Knows What, the humor and vulnerability come through...which is wonderful, and Don's style has only gotten better. As he told about new friendships

and events in his life, I was drawn into a friendship with this man and truly wanted be a part of what he experienced.

It would not be enough to say I merely enjoyed AMMIATY...I wallowed in it, especially a part that, I believe, was a major turning point, both in the book and in Don's life. I won't tell you what it was, but I will tell you that I wept. The Biblical concepts presented are lightly veiled. You must be

rather sensitive to pick up the nuances, although there are times that Don is very clear, even abrupt. That is why I have come to love this

writer and look forward to more from him. You must read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, because a great journey is like a great story, and if you combine both, you get a great life.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

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