
Credentials, schmedentials!

This morning, as I was getting ready to go to work, I was listening to the TV in the background. It just happened to be on The Hour of Power...Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral program. I've never been a fan of Schuller...he always seemed to promote Christianized Humanism (is that really possible?).

Anyway, Dr. Schuller was actually present to introduce the guest speaker. It was someone I admire a great deal, who really seems to have a great grasp on leadership, spiritual or otherwise. Dr. Schuller, in his introduction, proceeded to list all the credentials of this man. He listed 3 or 4 degrees, having pastored several churches, written several books which have sold over 16 million copies, bestseller lists, etc. As I listened, I slowly felt my stomach turn. Nausea started to set in as this man was being lauded and Jesus had yet to even be mentioned.

Degrees are very fine accomplishments...I must admit, I have none. I have a very good friend, more like a brother, who has a couple of degrees. Very informed man, well read and a great communicator, but I happen to know that most of his talent and knowledge are found in the Holy Spirit being his source, rather than the halls of academia.

Am I saying that academic accomplishments are worthless? Far from it. I know that I would rather have a doctor of considerable education rather than one with only the requisite education. But let's be honest, in the arena of spirituality, a person who's knowledge, passion and giftedness are a direct result of being filled with the Holy Spirit...I'll take the Spirit-filled man over the academician any day!!!

When I think about the 1st Century church and it's shepherds and evangelists, I just wonder what university they attended? Oh, I forgot, they didn't attend a university. Yes, Paul had an education...he was a disciple of one of the most revered rabbi's within Judaism, Gamaliel. But, the majority of the apostles were men without reputation, other than they were "uneducated men". Their qualifying mark of distinction was recognized even by those who hated them..."they (the enemies of the apostles) took note that they (the apostles) had been with Jesus".

May that always be the mark of distinction for me; that if I impact anyone for Christ, that it be recognized as a Gift from Heaven rather than my own accomplishments.

Think about it.

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