

I love that I can look out onto my backyard as I sit and write. Right now I am looking at my wife's Morning Glories. They are various shades of purple and they look beautiful...I would have said they look "glorious" but that would have been stupid.

I find it interesting that they are only open in the morning. As the day begins, they spread their petals and absorb the moisture of the dew and the first rays of the rising sun. The spiritual symbolism I found is awesome and applies to us humans in a very thought provoking way.

The best time to spend with the Lord is in the morning. Your mind has lay dormant for several hours, except for maybe a dream or two and maybe a potty visit. You awaken to a new day, sometimes not very enthusiastically, but awake nonetheless. Your mind begins to function and can be very open to influence since it has not been bogged down yet with "stuff". If we come before our Father at this time, He can speak to us in ways that can get to be hard to hear later on in the day. Like the flowers, we spread our mind's "petals" and absorb the sweet dew of the Holy Spirit. He will nurture our hearts and minds to be ready to accept the rays of light that shine forth from the face of Jesus.

This "dew" is a daily foretaste of the Rain that will fall/is falling on believers to make them/us over into the image of Christ...to make them/us fit ambassadors to the world. The light that shines upon us, as our minds open to Him, is the light that should reflect out onto this same world. Jesus said, "Let your light so shine among men that they may see your Father in heaven." We are always reflecting something, let it be His grace and love and mercy, and your little part of the world will be a taste of heaven to all those around you.

Think about it.

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